Equipex Roller Grill EP-800 1/2 Height Insulated Mobile Proofing Cabinet with 8 Pan Capacity 208

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  • Stainless steel interior
  • Automatic steam production
  • Dough rise: 85°F in 2 hours
  • 8 wire racks included
208/240/1 Under oven proofer with stainless steel interior and eterior. Automatic steam production.
  • : 10348
  • : 340
  • : simple
  • : 10645
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  1. What is a Proofer?
    The proofer is a unit that enables the dough to rise of fresh bread products or any other similar food products.
  2. How many shelves can the unit accommodate?
    The unit is equipped with 8 full size wire racks.
  3. How long should it take to proof bread, baguettes or any other variations?
    For raw bread products, it should take about 2 hours at 85℉ or 2 ½ hours for raw-frozen product at the same temperature.
  4. Can a convection oven be mounted on the proofer?
    The proofer will accommodate perfectly the FC100 series of full size convection ovens.